Alice's Diet that Works
A diet is like a marriage, you have to want it to work for it to succeed.
Dieting is a life-long effort where you can't always eat everything you want.
The secret to successful dieting is a lifetime of controlled weight.
1. Be aware of the calories consumed. 2. Eat plenty of fiber. 3. Exercise.
The best answer to the question, "How can I loose some weight?" is "Eat less." While this may seem obvious and maybe even insulting to the intelligence, there is more to it than meets the eye. Discipline is the key and successful dieting is a lifestyle,
What's to eat?
- High Fiber; Low Fat
(as examples: wheat bran cereal (with skim, low-fat, or no milk) and air-popped popcorn with no butter or salt)
- Fresh Vegetables (steamed, no salt)
- Low-fat Cottage Cheese (as an economical source of protein)
- If you cook potatoes, avoid cheese, sour cream, margarine and butter (for flavor there are onions, celery, herbs and spices).
- Choose chicken over beef; white meat over dark meat; ground turkey over ground beef.
- Drink lots of liquids -- like water. Watch out for alcoholic beverages, fruit
juices and sugar.
Don't deny yourself. Party coming up? Plan ahead. Cut back before.
Self-discipline a problem? Get a mentor.
Your mate or a person you live with is probably the best choice.
If you've had enough and you ask for more, the mentor must say, "No!"
Weigh daily in the morning before eating, drinking or getting dressed.
Make sure your mentor knows everything you eat.
If you feel like binging or gorging, remember DID: "Dieting is Difficult!" -- Call your mentor!
Your mentor may have to be firm and say:
"No Unauthorized Eating!"
"If I don't feed it, you don't eat it."
Get some exercise daily -- health clubs are nice, but not needed. Pick an
activity each day that requires exercize. Walking, for example, is good.
Vitamins (Daily)
- Multivitamin (100% DV)
- Vitamin E (400 I.U.) - Natural
- Vitamin C with Rose Hips (500 mg) - Timed Release
- SuperMultiminerals (100%+)
- (and, perhaps,) Balanced B-50 Complex - Timed Release
Realistic Expectations
- Weight loss should be slow. However, one to five pounds may be lost in
the first few days of a reducing diet. Over the long run (a period of months)
a loss of about one pound per week can reasonably be achieved.
- Don't crash. Eat a reducing amount for the five weekdays then reward yourself
with normal (not pig-out) meals on the weekend.
- For monitoring, weigh yourself each day at the same time on the same scale.
- When you reach your goal (desired weight), stay within one to three
pounds on either side. This is a lifetime committment.
Freedom to eat what you want
When you're at your desired weight on a weekend, you can reward yourself to eat what you want (without pigging out). This has to be done carefully and with dicipline. Too much free eating can trigger a yoyo diet (weight up/weight down).
You might say:
"Freedom is just another word for nothing left to loose." *
Remember: If you overdo it, it shows up on the scale tomorrow morning.
Dieting help on the web?
There might be.
Are you Overweight?
Try the following Links:
or Bing
And check out these links:
CDC: Overweight and Obesity
USDA Nutrient Data Laboratory Links
And links for Vitamins and Minerals:
Vitamin Shoppe
Nature Made
Swanson Health Products
And a diet by any name is still a diet:
The Hacker's Diet(R) by John Walker
[* Adapted from "Me and Bobby McGee" by Kris Kristofferson]
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Last Modified
2021 December 26.